Our Products
High quality tribology and surface inspection instruments for every application.
Multi Function Tribometer MFT Series
The modular Universal Tribometer runs several friction, wear, mechanical property tests on one platform. Additionally, it includes an integrated profilometer for 3D surface profiling.
Surface Materials Tester SMT Series
Fretting Tester FFT Series
Electromagnetic actuator on a rigid base with stroke control from 5 microns to several millimeters. Test fretting, friction, wear, and failure of materials. With bench top fretting testing, we provide scientific instruments for any environment.
Universal Profilometer UP Series
Optical profilometer that combines white light interferometer, confocal microscope, dark field, and bright field imaging. One optical profilometer to image any surface with unmatched speed and high accuracy.
Air Jet Erosion Tester AJ-1000
Coating and material erosion tests up to 1000 °C, with various kinds of abrasive particles at controlled velocities and impact angles.
CMP Tester CP-5000
Unique CMP polisher provides analytics of the CMP process with an in-line friction sensor. Combined with a profilometer to characterize change with nm resolution.
HFRR Tester
Bench top High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR) testing machine used for lubricity tests. Fine the durability of lubricants easily for research and quality control.
Vacuum Tribometer
Twin Roller Tribometer
Study traction, wear, and rolling contact fatigue. Used in lubricant, automotive, railways, and aerospace applications.
Micropitting Tester
Study traction, wear, and rolling contact fatigue (RCF) by three-point roller contact. Understand the behavior of materials, coatings, and lubricants under different rolling and sliding conditions.
High Pressure Tribometer
Up to 200 PSI high-pressure tribometer to analyze coatings, lubricants, and materials used in high-pressure applications.
1200°C Hot Hardness Tester
High temperature elevated hardness tester to measure hardness vs temperature of materials at inert atmosphere, high loads.
High Speed and Resolution
Our latest generation encoders provide the best Z resolution, no matter the scanning distance or magnification.

Modular Platform
Our products supply the versatility needed to test large and small samples, multiple types of tests on one platform, and in-line imaging.

Environmental Control
Our instruments include a wide range of environmental options, including high temperature, corrosion, pressure, vacuum, cooling, and inert gas.

Get the Data You Need
Test and inspect any sample with nm resolution. Scratch tests, wear and friction, indentation, and 3D imaging are just a few examples of surface characterization our diagnostic instruments provide.
Superfast Tribology System
In addition to the ultra-fast sensors and encodes, our rapid testers supply analysis and reports with the utmost precision and clarity.
Replicate Real Conditions
The accuracy of a test highly depends on the environmental conditions. Therefore, our products include chambers to provide various temperatures, pressures, lubricity, and much more.
Diversity For All Surface Inspection Needs
Whether a surface or material is flat, rough, transparent, or opaque, our profilers can image it all. With the highest speeds and Z resolution, our optical microscopes are in a class of their own. The 6-in-1 imaging analysis includes interferometer, confocal, spectral film thickness, dark field, AFM, and Raman.
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