Tapping Torque Tester

Quick screening of taps, metalworking fluids, coatings, implants, or process using Rtec Tapping Torque Test System.

MFT-5000 tribometer tapping torque module platform
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Tapping Torque Tester Overview

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    Tapping Torque Tester Features

    Our tapping torque testing system is for many industries such as lubricant, coatings, and medical.
    Torque Measurement

    Patented in-line torque sensor with self alignment feature allows for high-resolution data during the test.

    Several Inline Sensors

    Besides measuring torque and downforce, the tester also measures acoustic emission, temperature, and has an in-line camera.

    Down force control

    Real-time force control and monitoring during the test. 

    Easy to use

    The setup is versatile and automated. Recipe-based methods test across several locations. Automatic in-line cleaning to clean chips and debris between tests. 

    High Torque Motors

    To study all processes across all materials, the tester comes with high torque servo motors.

    Tapping Torque Analysis

    Materials and Test Setup


    Different formulations were evaluated for forming and cutting aluminum and steel samples using  Rtec Instruments Tapping Torque tribology instrument. We used M6 aluminum and steel taps to tap the threads in the samples at 600 RPM. The tester then repeated the test at least five times on the automated platform.
    The samples were selected to study the effect of additives and their compositions in the formulations for different applications. See the table for the results from different sets of tests.

    Sample 1

    Low concentration of Additive A

    Sample 2

    High concentration of Additive A

    Sample 3

    High concentration of Additive B

    Sample Process Torque (Nm) StDev (Nm)
    Sample 1 Steel Forming 882.066 21.892
    Sample 2 Steel Forming 966.112 40.233
    Sample 3 Steel Forming 1497.496 95.797
    Sample 2 Aluminum Cutting 245.994 11.767
    Sample 3 Aluminum Cutting 270.133 2.677


    The Figure below shows the results of a typical tapping torque test. Furthermore, the acoustic signal and tapping depth are superimposed and shown.

    tapping torque tester test data

    Solution To

    Due to its multiple configurations, the Tapping Torque Tester is used extensively across a wide range of industries:

    • Lubricant, Additives
    • Metal Working
    • Taps, Drill
    • Coating
    • Dental, Bio Materials
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