Fretting Test Module Overview
Main Features:
- 5 micron to 4mm Stroke
- Up to 300 Hz
- Piezo Sensors
- Friction up to Electromagnetic Coils
Rtec Instruments’ MFT-5000 provides fretting analysis for many applications. For example, common applications include the testing of materials, lubricant, grease, and coatings. The state-of-the-art fretting module has industry-leading specifications on stroke and frequency. With a controlled stroke from 5 microns at 300 Hz frequency, and a wide temperature range, the MFT-5000 is an ideal fretting wear material property tester for industry and university research.
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Voice Coil With Real Time Stroke Control
Technology breakthroughs in voice coil control and high-frequency signal processing algorithms provide fretting wear tests with less than 5-micron stroke. These features also characterize fretting wear from micron to macro scale. In addition, ultra-sensitive piezo-based load cells, combined with a robust design, high stiffness holders, and low floor noise, allow quantitative fretting wear characterization of materials, interfaces, thin films, components, and more.
The Smallest Controllable Stroke - 5um to 4mm, up to 300Hz
Real-time stroke, frequency monitoring, and correction using LVDT.
High Reliability - Flexure Design
The flexural suspension guides the magnet assembly without
Environmental Control, Surface Electrical Measurement
Humidity, temperature, inert gas, and electrical measurements for
real-life simulation.
High Frequency Response Force Sensors
Piezo-based sensors measure friction force with ultra high accuracy at a high-frequency reciprocating test.

High Speed Controllers
The Fretting Module Is perfect for testing surface damage that occurs between two contacting surfaces experiencing oscillatory displacement of a small amplitude.
Test Debris
- Debris formation from asperity contacts
- Oxidation at contacting surface because of humidity, temperature, or chemical composition change
- Oil, lubrication starvation regimes causing wear
- Wear due to electric discharge
- Repetitive collision between surfaces
- Fatigue related cracks – onset of debris
- Polymerization of organic materials at surface
- Fine powdered debris – highly oxidized
- Residual steady stage flow of debris
- Diffusive wear
- Melting wear
Specification Summary
Reliable and Customizable
To simulate real life scenarios, tests can be done in controlled environmental conditions. Easy to use and intuitive data interpretation makes this tester an ideal tool in hands of researchers or quality control engineers.
- Displacement 5um-4mm
- Resolution: 0.1um
- Oscillation frequency: Up to 300Hz
- Temperature control
- Humidity controlled chamber
- Potentiostat
- Acoustic Emission
- Electrical Contact Resistance
Common Standards
- ASTM E2789
- ISO 19291
- ASTM D6425
- ASTM D7421
- ASTM D5707
- ASTM D5706
- ASTM D7594
- DIN 51834-2
- DIN 51834-3
- DIN 51834-4
Solution To
Due to multiple configurations, the MFT-5000 fretting module is used extensively across a wide range of industries:
- Wear Resistance
- Fretting
- Thermal Spray Coatings
- High Temperature
- Fretting and Wear Resistance
- Engine Related Tests
- Tribology, Friction, and Wear
- Corrosion
- Fretting
- Wear Resistance
- Fretting and Friction Testing
- Wear Resistance and Friction
- Fretting
- Tribology and Friction Testing
Optics and Glasses
- Fretting and Wear Resistance
- Wear and Friction
- Fretting
- Wear Resistance
- Tribology and Friction Testing
Need More Fretting Options?
Take a look at Rtec’s Fretting Testers.
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